
massage services for men - seattle

A dedicated journal of inspirations, articles, videos, and anything else that I find thought provoking...

"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."                              

~Albert Einstein

 17th June, 2009

The Definition of Prostitution

"Prostituting yourself means compromising your values and your well-being by subjecting yourself to unhappy circumstances. This is true whether you are working at a job you hate or are involved in an unloving relationship for ulterior motives (to be taken care of financially or domestically). There are millions of people in circumstances like these. I've been in them too. Certainly society reinforces this mind-set. Often we are taught that work isn't something you're supposed to enjoy. You do it to pay the bills.

Sorry folks, but that's prostitution. If an escort or sensual masseuse enjoys her work and does it with positive intent, she is then offering a valuable, even therapeutic service. She is honoring her own path. On the other hand, if she hates her work but continues to do it anyway, then she is prostituting herself.

That said, society tends to encourage sex-work. The demeaning status quo - $10-an-hour, 9-5 bullshit is simply unacceptable in my view. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to live on. I feel highly valued in this field, infinitely more so than when I was working for 'the Man'.  Now I am well rewarded, and I can live in a manner that maintains my standards and reflects my aesthetic sensibilities."

By Parvati
