
A dedicated journal of inspirations, articles, videos, and anything else that I find thought provoking...

"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."                              

~Albert Einstein

 23rd April, 2009


For anyone concerned with the economic climate, please read -
Busting Loose From the Money Game

"Everyone wants to experience financial freedom. Historically, however, for most people, the pursuit of it has been like dogs chasing mechanical rabbits at the track -- forever chasing but never catching the coveted prize.

Despite that historical pattern, everyone can experience financial freedom. There is a secret about money that empowers anyone to do what they love and have all the money they need to do it. Robert Scheinfeld, a successful entrepreneur and author heard the following words from his dying grandfather, Aaron Scheinfeld, Founder and Chairman of Manpower, Inc, a Fortune 200 company and the world's largest temporary service.

"As you grow up," Aaron said, "you'll be taught many things about money. It will all seem perfectly reasonable, accurate and true. But it's not reasonable, accurate or true and the illusion causes endless amounts of stress, frustration and failure. There's a secret about money few people ever discover. Follow the clues I'm leaving you and you'll uncover it, a treasure more valuable than gold."

"The secret isn't found in bigger numbers or playing The Money Game better, which is what everyone else preaches," Scheinfeld says. "It's about making a shift in consciousness so powerful, so radical and so revolutionary that the numbers become irrelevant and you finally experience the pure joy of True Financial Freedom."
