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A dedicated journal of inspirations, articles, videos, and anything else that I find thought provoking...

"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."                              

~Albert Einstein

15th July, 2010

Oil Spill

'Anything - anything - involving or connected to Haliburton is ultimately controlled and dictated by the Illuminati cabal orchestrated by the House of Rothschild and its associated families. They own Haliburton, lock, stock and millions of barrels.

Just eight days before the Gulf blow-out, Haliburton announced that it had agreed to buy Boots & Coots for $240.4 million. Who are Boots & Coots? The world's largest oil-spill clean-up company which also deals with oil and gas well fires and blowouts. What an incredibly fortunate coincidence. What a slice of luck.

The same, too, for another Rothschild-controlled cesspit of evil and corruption, Goldman Sachs, the 'investment bank' that gave us the mortgage debt crisis and the economic collapse of Greece. Goldman Sachs sold 44 per cent of its holdings in BP, a total of 4,680,822 shares worth the best part of $300 million, in the weeks before the Gulf disaster that sent BP shares plummeting, and Tony Hayward, BP's disgraceful chief executive, is reported to have sold his £1.4 million shares in BP a month before the explosion. The profit allowed him to pay off the mortgage on his mansion. How nice.'

The real money is in the use of dispersements... the Gulf is being poisoned for personal profit. What the news and media won't tell you -  Read more >>

Parvati says : "This should come as no surprise."
